Showing posts with label apple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label apple. Show all posts

Feeding Your Soul; Apple #3

2.5" x 3.5", ink & watercolor crayon on ATC/ACEO

In Apple Art  #3, the heavy influence of Henson & Sesame Street in my work is obvious.
Seriously though, Slimey was my favorite. This doodle is fun and whimsical, but it definitely has personal a story behind it.
 Being a good neighbor isn't always easy. They say good fences make good neighbors, and crossing the fence to help a neighbor in need isn't always easy. It can be awkward when that neighbor directly asks for some of your apple. If I think my apple is just big enough for me and mine, I'm much less likely to offer it up to the hungry. However, as much as I think it is mine, I didn't grow this apple. It was graciously given to me and it is delicious. It might leave less for my belly, but sharing this fruit will spread its seeds out farther, letting kindness, hope, and generosity take root in new places and hearts. This feeds my soul. Today I ask you to see the fruit you have been given, and to assess just how well fed you are and how you can nourish others.

 Swing by my Facebook giveaway to learn more about the apple project
 and to enter for a chance to win one of the original apple pieces.

In Artwork & Play,
D. Renée

Apple A Day Art Challenge & Apple Pic Giveaway

 I'm participating in a fun art challenge this August. I'm in Florida, so as much as I'd love to go apple pickin' in a gorgeous orchard to gather references, it ain't happening. I have tons of ideas in mind, but I know I'm going to tire of sketching my daily snack. Here's where you come in- Send me your favorite photos of all things apple- fruit, pie, electronics, that Coldplay baby, anything goes! If I choose yours, I will create an original piece of art inspired by your image*. (*see the official rules at the bottom- these must be YOUR photos- we're legal, beagle.) I will be be creating as many apples as my schedule allows- ideally one for each day in August, so send as many as you like! One lucky winner will be chosen at the end of the challenge and will receive one original piece of my art from the Apple a Day art challenge. There are lots of options to get extra entries, so get pickin'!

 Click the link below for details and to enter.

Apple a Day Art Challenge & Giveaway

FAA links-
Artwork & Play. * BLOG TEMPLATE DESIGN BY Labinastudio.