Showing posts with label artist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label artist. Show all posts

Gratitude game 8/14- Days 1-4

 I'm not usually one to bite on social media challenges, so when a friend on facebook tagged me to play a 7 day gratitude game, I wasn't feeling up to it.
I actually already keep a gratitude journal. Every night (or sometimes in the morning), I jot down 5 things for which I'm thankful. That's why I wasn't really wanting to play. It's not that I don't want to do the exercise, it's just that listing those things publicly on social media can be an invitation for trolls and negative Nancies to rain on your Thanksgiving parade.
Although I'm on it daily, I am not entirely keen on the current mood of Facebook. It's very negative, and quite frankly, haters gonna hate.
 I know there's a lot of heavy shit going on in the world right now. ISIS is committing heinous acts, Ferguson, MO is in turmoil, ebola is rampant, and if Robin Williams can't hang in there, what shot do the rest of the naturally melancholy really have?
 But isn't that exactly why we should be taking a few moments to count our blessings, as they say?

 I decided to morph the challenge into my own game. I'm a fairly visual person, so taking (or image searching) 3 photos daily to represent those blessings seemed like a new spin on the list.
I'm also avoiding all the snarky comments from Facebook friends (who probably aren't even really my friends IRL) by posting them to my blog. Let's face it, those people are looking for attention and an outlet to frustrations. If they come all the way to my little blog to pick a sad fight, so be it.
The images I choose are simple and their interpretation only matters to me. Most of the images are physically literal and simultaneously metaphorical. It's the act of searching for and being aware of them that makes one reflect on their meaning.

 With that, I give you #gratgame814

 Day 1- Vision. Texture. Transformation.

Day 2- Rare springs. 
The ocean.
The ability to have both physical locations so close to home I can visit both in one afternoon. 

Day 3- Guidance. 
My amazing and super fun husband.

Day 4

Medicine, both natural and man-made. 
The ability to affordably eat fresh foods year round from local businesses. (Florida does have its perks.)
Innovative technological advances. (The rhino is from a 3D printer!)

  Well, that's the first 4 days all in one shot.  What are you grateful for?
Leave a comment below to share. :)

Orlando Art Salon Members Show (and grow) Together

 It's cool. We aren't collaborating on crazy hair cuts. It's this kind of salon;

 "Salon: from the French word salon (a living room or parlor), means a conversational gathering. Usually this is a select group of intellectuals, artists and politicians who meet in the private residence of a socially influential (and often wealthy) person." -

Interior of 27 Rue de Fluerus, Salon of Gertrude Stein
  I'm pretty stoked to be a member of a group called a salon, especially since esteemed artists such as Matisse, Toulouse-Lautrec, Renoir, Picasso, etc. attended Gertrude Stein's salon,
 but this particular salon isn't an esoteric group held in an ivory tower at 27 rue de Fleurus
Like most great teams, it all started with a coach.

 Alyson B. Stanfield, aka the Art Biz Coach, has made a very successful career for herself. With thousands upon thousands of social media followers, she has an impressive reach and even more impressive audience engagement and quite understandably so. As a former museum curator, educator, and art history scholar, she helps artists do what we (well, at least me)  dread; the biz side of our art careers. So, when Stanfield offered free course materials to local artists that met in groups, I was all about it. Just my luck an amazing Orlando artist, Robin Maria Pedrero, offered to host the group in her FAVO studio.
 As an artist that actively participates in local art events and shows, I already knew quite a few of the artists that joined the Orlando group. This actually made it easier than I had imagined. Rather than a stuffy "all business" approach, it was a real pleasure to meet, brain storm, encourage and sometimes just commiserate with such a diverse and talented group of artists.

 Honestly, I'm not organized enough to give you a quantifiable measure of how the biz side of my art did benefit from the course. I can tell you that there were quite a few days when I wanted to throw in my paint rags, but I left our salon with lighter shoulders and a renewed spirit.
I don't know about you, but I'll take warm and fuzzy over the former any day.

  One of my favorite affirmations of all time comes from a fellow salon member, Dawn Rosendahl,
"I am a creator, not a competitor."
(Fyi, she's not showing with the group b/c she's busy as an artist-in-action at the Maitland Art Center and getting ready for a solo show there. Awesome!)
 This salon fostered a sense of kinship rather than a competitive, market-driven atmosphere.
That's why I'm so proud to show alongside some of these salon members at Dandelion
Communitea Cafe. (A place so awesome and truly community driven, it deserves its own post.)

Meet us at the opening reception this Wednesday, September 4 from 7-10pm at Dandelion

618 N Thornton Ave, Orlando FL 32803. 

Salon members featured in the show are listed below. Simply click on the name to learn more about the artist and see artwork.
Gail Peck
Robin Maria Pedrero
Aimée Trudell Wheaton
Susan Sloan
Gregory Stock
Leah Hossler Wiedemer
Dlynn Roll
D. Renée Wilson
Bethany Taylor Myers

Apple A Day Art Challenge & Apple Pic Giveaway

 I'm participating in a fun art challenge this August. I'm in Florida, so as much as I'd love to go apple pickin' in a gorgeous orchard to gather references, it ain't happening. I have tons of ideas in mind, but I know I'm going to tire of sketching my daily snack. Here's where you come in- Send me your favorite photos of all things apple- fruit, pie, electronics, that Coldplay baby, anything goes! If I choose yours, I will create an original piece of art inspired by your image*. (*see the official rules at the bottom- these must be YOUR photos- we're legal, beagle.) I will be be creating as many apples as my schedule allows- ideally one for each day in August, so send as many as you like! One lucky winner will be chosen at the end of the challenge and will receive one original piece of my art from the Apple a Day art challenge. There are lots of options to get extra entries, so get pickin'!

 Click the link below for details and to enter.

Apple a Day Art Challenge & Giveaway

FAA links-

Winter Garden Yogi Brian Friedman; Changing the World One Pose at a Time

Brian Friedman demonstrates favorite and challenge poses in his Winter Garden Yoga studio.
 A few weeks ago, I decided I wanted to learn more about and share the stories of people that inspire me. I had several people in mind, but this first interview came about quite organically. I needed a model for a new painting, and Brian was gracious enough to take time out of his busy schedule to set up a last minute photo session with me in his Winter Garden Yoga studio. (See my  previous post on the Red Chair Exhibit for more.)
 I was first a student of Brian's when he taught yoga in Lake Mary a few years ago. His thorough knowledge of the body and exercise physiology is amazing, but it's his demeanor that hooked me; totally relaxed, judgment-free, with just the right amount of lightness and humor that helps you crack a smile when you're taking your asana too seriously.
I had a few questions for Brian, and he was generous enough to answer. Enjoy :)

(My questions are italicized) 

Brian, you're definitely one of the best yoga teachers I've had the pleasure of taking a class with, but for those that haven't, can you describe your work?

  I help a highly selective group of clients who want to boost their quality of life which means that I empower them to feel younger and more alive.
I have a truly unique yoga studio that emphasizes strength and mobility instead of flexibility which means …
• Number one: You get strong 
• Number two: You prevent injury 
• Number three: You de-stress
And because of this my clients have toned, pain free, and resilient bodies.

-When did you know what you wanted to do? ( your "aha" moment")

 My 'aha' moment came to me when a friend of mine said, "You must love what you do."
I asked, "What do you mean?" They said, "You spend every waking moment learning to improve your [skill] so that you can help your clients."
It was at that moment that I realized I really love what I do.

-What's your biggest dream?

 My biggest dream? By God's grace, I'm living it now.

-What's the best advice you were ever given?

The best advice I was given came to me in two parts. The first was during a conversation and a mentor of mine said, "If you want to make a living by doing the thing you love, there is always a point when you will have to take a giant leap of faith." 
The second was during a second conversation when a friend suggested 'trying it on for size.' Allow me to explain. At the time, I was working in the corporate world and running my yoga studio. I was getting burned out. I knew I had to make a choice between one or the other. My friend said, "try it on for size... try imagining being at your corporate job for another year." I groaned. Then they said, "try imaging being at your yoga studio full time." Well, the rest is history. I took a giant leap of faith and I'm living the dream.

-That's so awesome! Where can we find you living your dream?

  You can find me at or at 12 West Plant Street, in Historic Downtown Winter Garden, Florida.
For my last and most important questions. What is your quest?
My quest is to change the world one pose at a time.

What is your favorite color?

 Oddly enough, my favorite color is red.

Perfect and perfect!

 Thanks, Brian for being such a great role model ( and literal model!)
D. Renée Wilson, "Have a Seat", 20"x24", plaster & acrylic on wood, currently in the Red Chair fundraising auction. Click here to bid for good.
and especially for having the courage to live your dream and helping so many in the process!

If you can't make it out to Winter Garden for Brian's incredible and highly accessible classes (and I recommend them- his workshops are great, too, especially the partner yoga workshop!) You can find some great dvds for your home practice on the WGY website store.  

Make sure to stop by and visit Winter Garden Yoga on Facebook and say hello.

Thanks for joining me in my Artwork & Play! 

May your dreams be BIG and well lived,

~D. Renée

FAA links- Yoga

Organizing an Art Studio : Sisyphus and I Take a Stroll

 You know the story. Sisyphus is punished for his trickery by the gods and has to roll a massive boulder uphill only to have it enchanted by Zeus to roll away from him when he reaches the top. Story of my life. Well, they say the first step is admitting you have a problem.  Here goes-
My name is D. Renée Wilson, and I am a messy person. This messiness is often coupled with a tendency to hold onto art supplies like an autumn squirrel gathering nuts in her chubby cheeks. Notice I said hold not hoard. (Hey, I use them. Mostly.)
I've told myself I just don't have enough space, but there's a part of me that knows if I had a 2000 sq ft studio there would still be clutter. Usually, I don't mind a mess. Things are right where I put them. I know where to find them. No problem. My mother may cringe when she visits me, but that's okay. It's my stuff, and I'm an adult. A very unorganized adult that may not quite feel or even act like an adult at times, but an adult nonetheless.
 Sisyphys (1548-1549) by Titian, Prado Museum, Madrid, Spain
When it comes to being tidy, I'm sort of at a loss. Compartmentalizing things makes sense in theory, but in practice and especially my creative processes, I can't hang. Plus, I honestly feel like cleaning is a waste of time. I want to make art, I want to play. Why would I spend valuable time moving things to a specific area when they will shortly make it back to where they started?
 My husband is incredibly tolerant of my disastrous work and living areas and I thank him for this. That's why I spent an entire day last week cleaning and organizing ( shoving things into closets and hiding them in inconspicuous places) our somewhat small condo. Here's the thing, after eight hours of this, the place looked pretty great. Even better, I felt pretty great. There was a palpable sense of free flowing chi. A lightness in the air that set me at ease.
 Now, how would one accomplish this energy flow in a limited studio space without throwing out precious and costly supplies? A mixed media gal has to have a vast cache to birth unique pieces, plus all of my traditional media for portraits and commissions, and the myriad of tools and materials for my plaster paintings.
 Well, I bought this today.

It's a start. I'm exhausted already. Let's go, Sisyphus.
Artwork & Play. * BLOG TEMPLATE DESIGN BY Labinastudio.