Showing posts with label etsy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label etsy. Show all posts

Small Business Saturday, Turkey recap, & More

Wow. That flew by!
Use the code SHOPSMALL in my Etsy store to save 30% on orders $50&+. 

(Become a patron w/ a support pledge to get a 30% code with no minimum purchase.)
I can't believe it's Small Business Saturday already. I'm still all caught up in Thanksgiving. 
I don't eat turkeys, so I painted one.

This was the progress shot after a bit of wine made me decide it was time to take a break and kick off the holiday with cheesy television specials. 

(OMG, who saw Turkey Hollow?!!!! I adore all things Henson, and Steenburgen's character is pretty much me in 30 years.)
Image source.
This shot was from the trail Thanksgiving morning.
See the center of the photo? Look down slightly.
That's a large, wild turkey.
That tree is over 50ft tall.
Turkeys fly. (It always irritates me when people mistakenly say they don't.) 
Domesticated, fattened, hormone pumped turkeys don't fly.
I am lucky to live in an area with lots of wild turkeys.
The Joe Hutto book Illumination in the Flatwoods and Nature documentary My Life as a Turkey was actually based in Florida. :)

Here's the finished watercolor. What would you title this turkey?
Swing by my Facebook page to give your suggestion, or let me know in the comments. :)

Oh! And here's the newest pattern coloring page for Patreon supporters.
I was somewhere in between thinking of slices of pie and snowflakes. This is what came out.
It's free for supporters, and it's as little as only $1 a month to pledge your support.

 Free Holiday Colring Printables for Patreon Patrons

Happy Small Biz Saturday!

How are you planning to support local and small business owners this holiday season?

Art inspired by a collector

To add the original drawing to your collection, contact me,
or click here.

This line drawing portrait was inspired by a very special art collector of mine.

It is a personality, or soul, portrait of sorts. This woman has not only shown tremendous transformation and grace through many hardships and trials, but she is also a source of continuous inspiration and compassion for others. 

She is a very hard working and loving mother, runner, and hospice nurse, among many other things. 
 I hoped to seamlessly interweave the beauty of the butterflies and flowers around her kind smile in this drawing.

I created this ink drawing with the intent of making it also available as a coloring page, because this particular collector is also a supporter of my Patreon project.

Visit my Patreon page to learn more about the perks of becoming a patron,
like free downloads for coloring printables, discounts in my Etsy shop and on custom artwork, giveaways, and more.

If you'd like a coloring page printable of Butterfly Runner today, you can visit my Etsy shop. 

I'm still taking a few more holiday orders, so get yours in if you'd like to commission a 
coloring page portrait of your own.

You can contact me today about custom artwork

by clicking HERE.


To get some daily motivation and inspiration, I suggest you checkout 
Butterfly Runner on Facebook!

A peek beyond the panties interview; Lingerie designer Allyson Filkins says ALL women are real women

  I'm going to tell you something personal. Something not many people know about me.

 I love lingerie.

 I love lingerie. 

Ever since I could wear "big girl panties" I've hoarded them. My mother tells tales of me running around with them on my head screaming ,"Panty head, panty head!" 
I may be a silly girl but my affinity for them is very serious. I even had a part-time job at Frederick's of Hollywood during high school. From my first pair of Wonder Woman underoos to my current (very deep) underwear drawer, I have a passion for them.

 Given my views on body image and feminism, some might think this odd.  But think about it-
No matter what makes you feel sexy, you have to first feel good about yourself from the bottom up, and the inside out. If wearing a potato sack makes you feel good, wear it. 
Au naturale? Freedom it is.
And if it's a pair of sequined crotchless, step into those puppies! I honestly end up wearing plain seamless yoga or running panties most summer days out of necessity, but I have an arsenal of underthings when the mood so strikes me.
So when I came across American Grace on Etsy, I was elated. 
Lovely lingerie and it's handmade?!  Be still my heart!
 It's a seriously gorgeous shop, and I soon discovered designer Allyson Filkins is a pretty interesting gal. I really was curious to see what makes this unique designer tick, so I sent her an Artwork & Play interview request and she graciously obliged. 

Etsians and artists take note. She has some really good advice.

D. Renée Wilson: What is your Quest?

Allyson Filkins: My big picture quest for American Grace is to be a little part of the movement to bring handmade integrity and elegance back to American craftsmanship. 
In my case, one handmade piece at a time. It's kind of a "big world" idea for a small lingerie shop, but it's something I believe in. I love imagining that in some way I contribute to an idea. 
 On a more personal note, I simply love creating and sharing.  If I can bring my personal taste of beautiful, ethically handmade creations that I adore to anyone else who wants them, then I'm happy. Right now it's all about spreading the joy without spreading myself too thin!

DRW: I'm all for it, but why lingerie?

AF: Because it's fun! It can be innocent and functional; it can be naughty and playful. It's something that's your little secret, but something you can share too. In my mind, it is the cornerstone of fashion. You put your panties on first and work around that. 

You can match, you can mix it up - you can do whatever you want with your underwear. 
As a lingerie enthusiast, it always shocks me a little when someone tells me they don't own "pretty" underwear. Every day starts with underwear. It should be a beautiful beginning and end to every day! Another thing that I enjoy very much about lingerie is that the designs can be limitless. Any shape or color or concept I can wrap my mind around as a designer...I can give it life.

DRW: What makes your work different than just shopping at Victoria's Secret?

AF: My lingerie is handmade, and it's American made. As a lingerie artisan, you have to be really gutsy. You risk offending people with your art (yes, Grandma, I sell crotchless panties to strangers on the internet), but the greater fear is being dull. 
 Each piece has a story. One pair of white bridal panties almost gets drowned in a glass of red wine when my dog runs inside and knocks me over (I guess they're burgundy now).
A delicate bralette is caught in a sewing machine seizure and almost gets chopped lifeless by that darn tiny needle. Each piece goes through some kind of adventure in my workplace before its completion. 
 What makes my work different is that it has me in it. I know, could I say anything more cliche? It's true to me. The past year I have learned to be myself more and let that show in my work. It's been said "You are the only one who has to love you." 
It goes against business sense, but I apply that to my work too. If I don't love my work, then it isn't worth it. I can't make anyone else love my work, but maybe,
just maybe they might.

DRW: I definitely agree with that. Speaking of loving yourself, how do you feel about societal pressures and expectations regarding the female body?

AF: As a lingerie maker, I probably don't have as radical of a view on female body image as you would expect. I do think women in Western Culture are much more exposed to criticism than they were in previous decades. Swimwear and even lingerie designs show a lot more than they used to, and that can leave women open to greater criticism. I don't think women are criticized more as a whole than they were 50 or even 20 years ago, but today's criticism is more personal. A lot of the heavy criticism I seeing regarding women's bodies can be attributed to larger exposure through media sharing images, which opens a new platform for degrading commentary from seemingly impersonal viewers. You must have very thick skin to post a full-length on Instagram! You can be very beautiful, but someone out there will find something to fault and give in to their mean nature. 

 The lingerie industry has taken a lot of heat about using unusually proportioned models. As a designer, I can understand using thinner models -they function as a coat hanger, and that's necessary for a lot of designs. But the criticism of the industry's ridiculous standards has led to more criticism and name-calling of women. I hate the use of the word "anorexic" to describe thin women. I think that's a mistake a lot of us make when chatting about the industry, and we're really criticizing ourselves. Sure, some lingerie models are anorexic (all kinds of people can be). 

 I don't think that eating disorders are the standard. Some might disagree. But either way, name-calling attacks on our fellow sisters and not the industry standards? The industry finds very thin looking, very tall women, because that is the standard. The trouble is not that thin women are being represented. If there's anything to criticize in the industry, it's that there isn't much variety in height and size and skin color. 

 We have started to tell ourselves as a culture that it's bad to be chubby, but it's also undesirable to be thin. I despise the "Real Women Have Curves" campaign. It's just an insult to women who aren't "curvy" and pointlessly even more women. We are only hurting ourselves with this kind of ideology. Sorry to pop your idea-bubble, but all women are real women! Worse is the mistake of promoting "REAL MEN like curvy women".  Some women aren't curvy, and they are real, and men like them, too. 
And why are we still defining our body images and self-worth over what we perceive men want?! 
Seriously, who comes up with this stuff?

DRW: Amen, hallelujah, and preach it, sister! Okay, so back to your gorgeous undies.
When did you know you wanted to do this? Did you have an aha moment?

AF: Last year I quit my job working in a bar and told my husband I was going to sell lingerie on the internet. He was like, "If that's what you want to do." No snarkasm. 
My husband is really supportive. I wouldn't be where I am now without him. I didn't even have a sewing machine at the time, but my mother-in-law gave me one as a gift shortly after my sewing proclamation. So now I'm a stay-at-home doggy-mom and lingerie artisan. Life is weird.

DRW: That it is. Now that we covered your work, how do you play?

 AF: I try not to take my business too seriously (except in tax season). I tell myself failure is not the end. Failure does not exist. When I'm not "dabbling" in sewing and design for my work, I'm baking or cooking, writing creative non fiction, lusting after other people's photography equipment, doing Schutzhund/IPO training with my dog, pretending I'm in shape enough to do yoga, sketching new designs, drawing and painting, and reading everything from parenting blogs to Russian literature. 

DRW: Ooooh, I love yoga & dogs! What's your favorite yoga style? 

AF: I enjoy Hatha, because it can be healing and isn't as intense as hot yoga. 
Intense is awesome, but I've been recovering from two major surgeries the past year, so the slower movements work better for me right now. 

DRW: Anyone that likes bikram is either lying or a masochist. High five for honoring your body! And IP what? Tell us about the dog training.

AF: Dog training can be so muchfun! Right now my German Shepherd and I are focusing mainly on one of three phases of Schutzhund, and that's obedience. The word Schutzhund translates (from German) to meaning "Protection Dog". A lot of people can get the wrong idea about it this sport. Its purpose is not to make dogs more aggressive. In fact, dogs who show too aggressive of qualities are disqualified. The true purpose of the sport is nourishing the handler-dog bond through obedience and agility. You can find out more about the history and ideology of Schutzhund (now called IPO in the United States)here.

DRW: Wow, that is some discipline. How do you mix work & play?

AF: I have all kinds of fun working! I drink wine, I listen to some hardcore jazz and metal, I talk to my dog. But that's just when I'm sewing, it's not all drinking and communing with animals. There is a lot of other work that goes into running my little corner shop. 

 I try to make it all fun so I don't get exhausted. I think this is something very common with small businesses, even those run on the internet who may not have a store front to clean and close down every night. There's a lot more going on behind the scenes than we're given credit for! But in all the crunching numbers and balancing home and work all in one tiny space, I do try to keep it fun. It's not worth it if it's not bringing me joy, so I mix in the things I like. 

DRWWho inspires you?

AFAnybody with good advice. Real good advice is very hard to come by, and I'm a sucker for a great quote. My husband (who also gives good advice) inspires me too, because he works hard every day and never complains about me.

DRW: What is your favorite quote?

AF: I really enjoy Joss Whedon's quote,
"Write it. Shoot it. Publish it. Crochet it, sauté it, whatever. MAKE."  I find that very inspiring. It doesn't matter what you do, just do something.

DRW: What's your biggest challenge as a handmade shop owner?

AF: Overcoming wrecking criticism. I'm a very sensitive person wearing a brave front, and that can affect how I feel about my work. I have had to deal with a few ungracious, demanding people in the past year since opening my shop. When you start a business and put yourself out there, some people can expect the world of you. 

 It can be difficult to make a profit and sustain my work with some of the expectations that some buyers have. When someone orders a size medium custom design as a gift, and the gift doesn't fit because their girlfriend is not a medium after all, they want an exchange at my expense (and shipping is expensive!). Sometimes they don't seem to understand that their requests can obliterate my profit, which in turn hurts my personal life. 

  From this, my biggest advice for other handmade sellers is to fill out your policies!
Know what you accept and don't, and make that very clear. The biggest challenge is standing ground and not letting bad reviews or rude comments get to us on a personal level.
Because that's what handmade businesses are; we are people. Little bits of people chipped off into something wonderful for others to enjoy, but sometimes criticized like factory corporations. 

DRW: Yeah, that's tough. But you do have a detailed size chart, which I found helpful.

AFI am always available for chatting about fabric and how something fits. 
I can also take exact measurement if they would like. Some people opt out of this. But we are all busy, and yes, that's where my sizing chart  comes in handy.

DRWWhat's your biggest dream?

AF: My biggest dream is for my business to hit financial stability, so I can do more of what I want. There are a lot of designs I'd like to do but can't reasonably front the cost to make them happen right now. I would love to see American Grace go a step further. Right now it's self sustainable, but the profit I make doesn't go into my pocket. I plan to work hard and make that happen. To do what you love, and nurture your family from it, that is the dream. 

DRW: I know where to find you (and I'm very excited for my cheekies!) 
but tell everyone else where to find you.

AF: You can find me and see my work below!

Etsy Shop~ American Grace
Deals & Steals on Facebook
My Blog.

DRW: Can you leave us with the best advice you were ever given?

AF: That you get out what you put into something. I don't know if that's true yet, but I'm going to believe it until it's proven otherwise.


Thanks to Allyson for graciously answering my questions. 
Stop by her store or social media and give her a wave from Artwork & Play!

An Irish Blessing for this St. Patrick's Day

 Happy St. Paddy's Day to all and a special Irish blessing for my friends in Savannah that are looking at a rainy day-

Today only- use the code SLAINTE at checkout for 17% off orders over $20 in my Etsy shop.
May the blessing of the rain be on you—
the soft sweet rain.
May it fall upon your spirit
so that all the little flowers may spring up,
and shed their sweetness on the air.
May the blessing of the great rains be on you,
may they beat upon your spirit
and wash it fair and clean,
and leave there many a shining pool
where the blue of heaven shines,

and sometimes a star.


Book of Kells 

Share a Kiss & You Could Win

 Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day isn't just for romantics-
EVERY heart shines a light the world needs. Whether coupled or strong and single, let your lovelight shine for everyone today. No roses or chocolate needed. We just need you <3

This week my Facebook page reached 2K Likes!

I'm having a giveaway contest to say thank you to my Facebook page fans.

Share a Kiss and you could win (totally cootie-free sharing).

click on this photo to see the details & how to enter-
All of the Likes, comments, and shares help me to share my work and keep my dream alive, and I am so very grateful!
Something in the Water signed watercolor print
As an extra smooch of thanks, 
I'm giving a code for free shipping in my Etsy shop this weekend. 

I hope this Valentine's Day fills your heart with love of all kinds!
(And discounted drugstore Valentine candy. Mmmmm, candy.)

XOXO ~ D. Renée 

Hearts A'Flamingo!

Black Friday, Small Biz Saturday, & Cyber Monday Discount Codes

 After all the leftovers are crowding the refrigerator and you've had your share of pie, there will be lots of football to watch and tons of big retailers vying for your business.
If you're avoiding the shopping crowds, this weekend is still definitely the time to shop online. You can shop my Etsy store this weekend and save from the comfort of your couch.
 Have you been wanting to add an original piece of art to your home, office, or as a special gift for the Holidays? This Thursday-Monday is the perfect time.
(Black Friday code is active Thursday,too! ;)
          As an extra bonus, a signed, archival print will be gifted to all purchases over $150.

This 8x10 watercolor print will be gifted exclusively for those special orders and is not available for purchase.


*watercolor art*



Feeding Your Soul; Apple #3

2.5" x 3.5", ink & watercolor crayon on ATC/ACEO

In Apple Art  #3, the heavy influence of Henson & Sesame Street in my work is obvious.
Seriously though, Slimey was my favorite. This doodle is fun and whimsical, but it definitely has personal a story behind it.
 Being a good neighbor isn't always easy. They say good fences make good neighbors, and crossing the fence to help a neighbor in need isn't always easy. It can be awkward when that neighbor directly asks for some of your apple. If I think my apple is just big enough for me and mine, I'm much less likely to offer it up to the hungry. However, as much as I think it is mine, I didn't grow this apple. It was graciously given to me and it is delicious. It might leave less for my belly, but sharing this fruit will spread its seeds out farther, letting kindness, hope, and generosity take root in new places and hearts. This feeds my soul. Today I ask you to see the fruit you have been given, and to assess just how well fed you are and how you can nourish others.

 Swing by my Facebook giveaway to learn more about the apple project
 and to enter for a chance to win one of the original apple pieces.

In Artwork & Play,
D. Renée

Searching for Paradise

"Searching for Paradise", 17" x 13", plaster & acrylic

We all search. 

Some search for love, for money, for success. Exotic and rare, we chase after the metaphorical birds of paradise. ( As a Steve Martin fan & bird nerd, I have to take this opportunity to mention The Big Year. Netflix. Trust me.) And yet, often times the things we so desperately search for are right under our noses ( or on our shoulders in this case).
 What beautiful birds am I missing while I chase the prize? 

In my latest piece I have coupled my fascination with birds and my sometimes exhausting search for Truth, beauty, and enough art sales to keep me pushing paint. 
It is a reminder to take inventory of the seemingly mundane. To take a moment to stop mimicking calls to attract elusive creatures and trade the binoculars for a magnifying glass.
A moment of stillness and quiet recognition of the things in our lives that bring happiness. 
In Love, Artwork, & Play,
D. Renée
Artwork & Play. * BLOG TEMPLATE DESIGN BY Labinastudio.