Showing posts with label art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art. Show all posts

Full Circle of Gratitude

It's so funny how things come full circle... 

 On the left is one of my daily gratitude journals, and a super cute teensy cactus planter made by the awesome Julie Harbers, who also happened to be my neighbor at the Orlando visual Fringe Art market. On the right are notecards of my watercolor painting Dragonfly Druzy, which was painted during an extended gratitude in nature exercise. These boxes of cards are being sent out to an awesome lady, who will then send them as thank you cards to Patrons of the Orlando Fringe organization.  

 I feel super honored and thankful to be a part of that. Gratitude is everything. Every breath, every kiss, every tear.✨ It's all effin' magical. ✨
We can't forget that. We have to hold each other up. 💙  
What are you thankful for today?
Who would you get a thank you note from you?


I'm slowly but surely migrating posts about my fine artwork
 over to my website.

Swoop over to read about the start of my latest series...

This blog will remain a place for featuring the work of other artists I admire,
topics that inspire and affect artists,
and of course, play.

If you are interested in being featured on this blogger site,
or have an inspiring story or important event coming up,
drop me a line 

Beware the Ides of March

Beware the Ides of March

Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina, and Ohio all hold primary elections today.
I'm sure you're aware of this, and if you weren't just turn on a television. 
(I'm allergic to political ads, so I can't without an epi pen.)
It's also a historical day in politics;
Today is the day Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 B.C.E.
He got a surprise dagger party on the senate floor! Ouch.

The Ides, simply means the halfway point, and that was the 13th or 15th depending on the month. 
William Shakespeare made the line famous in his play, which was based on historical writings (but obviously fictionalized because he wasn't there).

Each year we hear that heavy phrase on this day, and it brings images of Shakespeare's mysterious soothsayer warning Caesar of his impending doom.This is probably where the superstition came from that it was an unlucky day, which brings me to this awesome Books by Her Side bauble featuring the Cassius line to Brutus:
Books By Her Side on Etsy

But every March 15th, I've always thought more about Brutus.
This is probably due to the influence of Shakespeare's work, as Brutus is essentially the protagonist of this work. 

This TED Ed animation is actually a perfect illustration of my mood when I think of Brutus.

Here's a fun, brief history of the Roman empire and Julius Caesar's role in it, if you'd like to learn more.

Even if the Roman patricians are technically like the current oligarchy, you have to admit that plebeian voting is a better deal than a militarized emperor.

No matter what your political leanings may be, 
enjoy these finds and then make sure to
do your stabbing with a pen, on the ballot, in the voting booth this year. 

Beware the Ides of March.

Auld Lang Syne; lyrics to the song that makes me weep for no good reason

Last sketch of 2015 (probably);
 Life drawing, quick charcoal & pastel sketch on mi-teintes, Auld Lang Syne,
click through to read sketch narrative.
The Scots have given us many wonderful things, 
and tonight we will sing a tune that is perhaps one of their most far reaching creations.

Penned by poet Robert Burns, this song stirs my soul like no other.

It's one of the most beautiful songs in the world, and it is sung all over the globe.
It doesn't matter if I'm having a blast, this song starts and I'm all choked up.
Seriously. It's like this song embodies all the melancholy I could ever possibly feel in the span of five minutes.

Literally translated, auld lang syne means "old long since", or long, long ago, days gone by, etcetera..

For the record, it's basically a song about remembering people and times gone by, 
not about forgetting them, but you do what you gotta do on New Year's Eve.

(But My God, the line about the "seas between us broad have roared"...*blinks back tears*)

And taking a cup of kindness is raising a glass and toasting to times gone by. 

Below are the modern lyrics, because Scottish is hard. 

(Visit to learn more about Burns and the original Scottish dialect lyrics.)

Auld Lang Syne

Should old acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne!


For auld lang syne, my dear*, 
For auld lang syne,

We'll take a cup o' kindness yet,

For auld lang syne,

(this "my dear" is sometimes "my jo" or love)

We two have run about the hills

And pulled the daisies fine;

But we've wandered many the weary foot

Since auld lang syne.


We two have paddled in the stream,

From noon till dinner time;

But the seas between us broad have roared,

Since auld lang syne.


And there's a hand, my trusty friend!

And give a hand o' thine!

And we'll take a right good willy waught, (goodwill drink of ale)

For auld lang syne.


And surely you will buy your *cup (*pint)

And surely I'll buy mine!

And we'll take a cup of kindness yet,

For auld lang syne.


 (yes, again)

Stay safe out there tonight.
May you look back with love, 
release what you don't need, 
and take a cup o'kindness~


Pass the bamboo; My art has finally gone to crap.

And here it is...

I visited the giant pandas in San Diego this October and got some photos, video, and some of this VERY special paper in the gift shop.

It's a different texture than what I'm used to painting on, 
(it's almost like a very strong paper shop towel) but it's so much fun and really cool to use a repurposed material that supports the conservation of an endangered species. 

Here's my time lapse painting. :)

I learned a lot.
The giant panda eats 20-25lbs of bamboo every day. That's a LOT of fiber. 
Most of this bamboo is not digested, and it comes out looking almost the same as when it went down the hatch. Pandas poo between 30 and 50 times a day! The keepers at the San Diego Zoo save this scat after they clean the pandas' living areas, and it is recycled and turned into a beautiful bamboo paper;
poo paper! (Guess who stocked up.)
This paper is totally clean and does not smell. A valid question, but no, it's super clean and beautiful.

It was awesome to see the pandas, especially the baby Xiao Liwu a.k.a. Mr. Wu. 
I really did have tears of wonderment, and a bit of sadness, welling up in my eyes. 
There are 1,800 pandas left in the wild. Conservation and breeding programs are so important!
I was really excited to leave San Diego with an experience that I'll never forget, and some of this cool paper to help capture my memories and inspire me. 

If there's an animal you're passionate about, you can select the "Custom" drop down variation for a special sketch of your favorite animal on this unique paper.

Each poo paper painting will be hand painted to-order, and will not look exactly like the photo in the style variation. Those are just pose guidelines. The nature of this paper, watercolor, and free hand ink doodles is totally wild and free.
This means that each painting will be truly one-of-a-kind. :D

I just love this eco-friendly and animal aware paper.

How do you recycle or repurpose?

What's your favorite animal?

Let me know in the comments :)

Happy snacking,

Cyber Man Day?

 Use code CYBER25 for 25% off any purchase in my Etsy shop.
 Oh no, wait a sec, that's just my Dr. Who nerd. 
It's Cyber Monday. 
(click here to share your shop link on my fb page)

Use code CYBER25 for 25% off any purchase in my Etsy shop this week.

There's also a big sale going on in my Society6 shop today.

This includes the leggings! Aggghhhhh! 

 Yay leggings
and the framed prints, pillows, the mugs, posters, tote bags, tank tops, phone cases, wall tapestries, clocks, (there's a lot more)
you name it- it's on sale with free shipping.

Plus, my fine art America/ pixels site has free shipping at least until midnight, and it's the only place to get the limited time promotion of a large stretched canvas reproduction of 

Attn. Artist friends!
Dick Blick has free shipping on orders of $79 or more, and 15, 20, & 25% scaled savings when you use the code
(Saving on supplies! <3)

And I just can't write a shopping post all about my stores- 
today I get to shop, too!

Here's a winter treasury I curated to get me started.

Do you have an online store?
What's your Cyber Monday Sale?

I still have some shopping to do,
let me know in the comments! :)

Art inspired by a collector

To add the original drawing to your collection, contact me,
or click here.

This line drawing portrait was inspired by a very special art collector of mine.

It is a personality, or soul, portrait of sorts. This woman has not only shown tremendous transformation and grace through many hardships and trials, but she is also a source of continuous inspiration and compassion for others. 

She is a very hard working and loving mother, runner, and hospice nurse, among many other things. 
 I hoped to seamlessly interweave the beauty of the butterflies and flowers around her kind smile in this drawing.

I created this ink drawing with the intent of making it also available as a coloring page, because this particular collector is also a supporter of my Patreon project.

Visit my Patreon page to learn more about the perks of becoming a patron,
like free downloads for coloring printables, discounts in my Etsy shop and on custom artwork, giveaways, and more.

If you'd like a coloring page printable of Butterfly Runner today, you can visit my Etsy shop. 

I'm still taking a few more holiday orders, so get yours in if you'd like to commission a 
coloring page portrait of your own.

You can contact me today about custom artwork

by clicking HERE.


To get some daily motivation and inspiration, I suggest you checkout 
Butterfly Runner on Facebook!

We'll wait here...

Today, I was going to do a lot of things.

 As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I have some upcoming travel, and I need to square some things away before packing up. (Well, need is a relative term. You know how that goes.)
It all started with good intentions, and I was on track, even ahead of schedule, so I took some time to scroll through the interwebs to read my newsfeed.

 I came across the hashtag #BadgersDay several times and just had to learn more. 
My husband is a huge fan of the honey badger, and I've watched a few documentaries on the clever creatures. Was is about Wisconsin? Nope. (Click here to visit the Badger Trust.)
It turns out, there's a sad occurrence that  is leading National Badger Day to trend across the UK.
There is a badger culling that is currently happening.  :'(
I won't go into all of the details, but it seems the science behind it may not even be solid, and reminds me very much of our own horrendous black bear hunt right here in Florida. 

 Artist Ben Cameron, Strange Paul on Etsy
Artist Ben Cameron, Strange Paul on Etsy

 This cartoon tweeted by Peta UK not only brought tears to my eyes, an audible sob escaped my throat and made me push my to-do list to the side for a bit longer. I read more about them. I cried more. I decided to sketch up a zentangle in honor of the badgers. (And to chill out on the feels.
If you want feels, click here to see more of Ben Cameron's work.)

 However, when I was taking a quick morning break, I remembered I needed to do my quarterly sales tax before vacation. Well, S$^#! That had to get done, and then the dog needs bathing, her food needs cooked, and laundry, jeez. I gotta go.

So, the badgers will have to wait here until I can get back to them to finish, and that might be after travel. Let me know if you think I should go all out, or leave this drawing minimally inked so it can be used as a coloring page.

 I don't think they will mind too much. A safe place to hide seems like a nice thing. 

 Stay safe, little ones. 

National Coffee Day?

Lately, I use cashew or coconut milk in my coffee. I try to use more of the milk to cut back on the actual amount of coffee I consume. Our mugs are enormous, bowl-like chalices of java, because who can get sufficient caffeine from a normal mug? Yeah, coconut and cashew milk.
We go through a lot of it.

They say today is coffee day, but sadly for my adrenals, I don't find too many days when it is not a coffee day. 

So, I'll just have to find another way to make it extra coffeeish.

I thought about painting with coffee, but thought I'd just do you a favor and share this guy instead.
It's totally his thing. 

This is one of my favorites fromBrazilian artist Dirceu Veiga. Go to his website and look at his fun work.  You can find him on Facebook, as well.
Click here to visit Veiga's website.

How do you take your coffee?

Passion Flowers

 My entire life, it seems like I've been made to feel guilty for my gusto.
When I am particularly "on fire" for something, it's inevitable that someone will make a negative comment on my feistiness regarding said subject or cause, and trust me, there are lots of them:

The special needs population (intellectual and physical disabilities)
poverty, sexism, gay rights, military personnel, animal rights, animal rescue, ecological preservation, (this list can go on, and on, and on...)

 People that feel deeply are used to being told how "sensitive" they are.
Passion Flower work-in-progress
It's perceived to be a bad thing. But think about it, most often when people are chiding someone for being sensitive, it's a way of dismissing the "sensitive" person's feelings or reactions to justify their own actions or to subdue the "sensitive" person.
Any time someone criticizes (or praises!) someone else, it's usually their shit that they are addressing.

 Therefore, I don't bristle (too much) anymore when someone comments on how sensitive I am or how focused I can get on something. Most of the time, I take it as a compliment.

 But just yesterday, insights on my facebook page  told me that someone took the time to
 click "hide all posts" after I shared this photo and link.

So, um, whoever did that... really?
I'm still posting fundraiser things in memory of someone's dead mother to help cancer patients.
I do not care if you like it. It's my page, and you are a stick-in-the-mud. 

 I post all kinds of stuff on my art page that isn't exactly my art, but it's all stuff that I'm passionate about. Because that's what my art is about. 

 I am also able to be a passion empath. I can take the energy of someone else and amplify it into something even brighter and louder.
I am able to share my knowledge and help their passion and enthusiasm make it out into the world. I am proud to be passionate about something that totally deserves to be lauded and have the ever-loving light shared out of it.

There's a reason your heart skips a beat when you come upon an awesome inspiration.
You were meant to live your passion.

I came across wild passion flowers on my trail run one morning and was so overcome by them I had to stop and marvel at their strange beauty.
While the name comes from Christian missionaries, I feel the untamed coronal filaments mimic actual human passion so well. They can curl and crawl every which way but they radiate out from the center and work to nourish the flower as a whole organism. 
Passion flowers have been used as a calming remedy in folk medicine. For the creative, getting into your “flow” does just that. Chasing your passion actually is a kind of zen.
Look for your passion flower. Let it drive you to great things. It will bloom where you are needed.
 Passion Flower
Passion Flower

Yes, passion can be a messy business.
It's a sloppy, wet thing that's taxing and sometimes crude, but sometimes it's the only thing that keeps us going. 
Passion changes the world.

What's yours? 

Stepping into the dreamworld of Sandra Bottinelli

 A while back on a trip to Asheville, my husband and I came across an artist in the River Arts District. I was immediately drawn to her work. Her subjects included beautifully rendered wildlife portraits with  ethereal dreamscape backgrounds and gorgeous sky and cloudscapes.
As we talked with her, we learned she had once also lived in  central Florida. (That's where we live!)

 We had recently suffered a loss, and we found great comfort in a piece titled
Eye of the Needle.

 Eye of the Needle by Sandra Bottinelli
Eye of the Needle

After purchasing a wood print of this piece to take home and add to our personal collection, I got Sandra to agree to an interview with me.

I love learning more about artists whose work I adore. I hope you do, too. Here's a little insight into Sandra.
(Italicized = D. Renée questions, followed by Sandra's response.)

What is your Quest?
     My quest? I don’t have a specific quest but an idea of how I want to live my life and that would be by living it guided by what is good which is relative. I want to be as true to myself as possible so I can be true to others. Discovering who I am or what I am is a daily quest.
(Interviewers note: So much yes to this answer!)
The Bridge, Sandra Bottinelli

Describe your work for us.
    My work moves from abstract to realistic to a combination of both. It has been described to me as a realistic dream. I have an aha moment every time I am working on a piece that I know is going to be “one of those pieces” and even in between when I am working on pieces that are more like sketches for the masters.

How do you play?
  I play with my sons. I act like a child and this seems to seep into my adult life.
With older folk? I love to dance! Love it!

 How do you mix work & play?
   I mix work and play regularly and cannot seem to separate the two.
 Bathing Beauty, Sandra Bottinelli
Bathing Beauty

Who inspires you?

 Cloud Nine, Sandra Bottinelli
Cloud Nine
  People who can do nothing but follow their dreams because the dreams pull them so strongly inspire me.

What's your biggest challenge?

     To stay on the side of light.

What's your biggest dream?

     To stay on the side of light.

Where can we find you?

My studio and gallery is located in Asheville’s River Arts District: whitespace,
 129 Roberts Street 2B7, Asheville NC 28801. My work can also be seen at

(You can also Like Sandra on facebook!)

What's the best advice you were ever given?
  In a dream my grandfather (who had since passed) sat across a table from me. There was a great deal of commotion going on around us. He handed me a gift. When I opened it I found a large blow-up raft (that was already blown up – how it fit in that small box I don’t know). On the raft the words were written in large letters “SWIM”. My take on that: Don’t float in life, don’t always let the current take you. You must swim, make your path, struggle for what you must do.

You can see Sandra in her Asheville studio or visit her online.  
She also has the honor of being the featured artist this June during Asheville's Woolworth Walk, Friday June 5th. 
If you are in the Asheville area, stop by the Facebook Woolworth Walk Gallery Page for more info. 

My thanks to Sandra for obliging the curious mind of a fellow creative, and a special thanks for creating such wonderful paintings. Eye of the Needle is one of the first things I see every morning, and it makes all the difference when it comes to staying on the side of light. <3

An Owl Furze Wisdom

Most of you know I love painting animals not only for their beauty and unique characters but also for their interesting and rich symbolism.
I'm sure you also know that most plants and trees have an abundance of historical meanings, as well.
In my latest watercolor, I have paired the wisdom and intelligence we associate with the owl to the gorse, or furze tree.
Work in progress.
Work in progress.
This shrub, or hedge tree, is also sometimes called furze and is native to Europe and northwest Africa.
The bright yellow blossoms have a very long flowering season.
Between all of the different species of gorse, there will most always be sunny flowers to admire, hence the saying,
"When gorse is out of blossom, kissing's out of fashion".
The gorse has many layers of symbolism.
I won't bore you with more dry botany facts, but it's a fascinating plant and understanding its history and many facets can help you understand why it represents so many different things. Look it up sometime. :)
Here's a quick rundown of the powers or the furze;
Intelligence, protection, healing, love, vibrancy, light, industry, independence, fertility, symbiosis, intuition, hope, courage.
12" x 16", Watercolor on Arches Cold Press
12" x 16",
Watercolor on Arches Cold Press
While the furze does represent intelligence (because yellow is the color of the intellect), I choose the gorse blossom because its meaning is so much deeper.
Wisdom is not intelligence quotient.
Wisdom is a culmination of the head, heart, body, and soul.
Wisdom is discerning when to use what and just how much.
Just like most of my paintings, it was a personal reminder to seek balance and nature is where I find it most. :)

For customizable on-demand prints, home decor and apparel, visit my online Society6 and Cafe Press shops. 
*(Custom on-demand prints will not be hand signed.)
Artwork & Play. * BLOG TEMPLATE DESIGN BY Labinastudio.